
    Terms of use

    By getting to the Fast Trading Investment site you agree to the handling by Fast Trading Investment and its representatives of any close to home data given by you. Your admittance to and utilization of the site ("Services") of Fast Trading Investment are molded on your acknowledgment of and consistence with these Terms of Use ("Terms"). By getting to or utilizing the Services, you consent to be limited by these Terms.

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    The data, materials, and other substance of this site may not be replicated, shown, dispersed, downloaded, authorized, changed, distributed, reposted, recreated, reused, sold, sent, used to make a subordinate work, or in any case utilized for public or business purposes without the express composed assent of Fast Trading Investment .

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    The data, materials, items, and administrations on this site are current at the hour of composing and are liable to change. Not all items and administrations are accessible in all geographic regions. Your qualification for specific items or administrations is dependent upon assurance by and the endorsement of Fast Trading Investment.

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    The data on this site or in any correspondence containing a connection to this site isn't proposed to comprise speculation exhortation or a proposal to sell, or the requesting of a proposal to buy shares or different protections. Speculation items and administrations are accessible through Fast Trading Investment.

    Venture items and administrations are not FDIC-safeguarded, are not stores or commitments of, or ensured by, any bank, and imply speculation chances, including the conceivable loss of the chief sum contributed.

    Financial backers ought to consistently get and peruse a cutting-edge speculation administrations depiction or outline prior to concluding whether to designate a venture director or put resources into an asset.

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    Fast Trading Investment site might be gotten to globally, you consent to follow every single neighborhood law, rules, and guidelines including, without limit, all laws, rules and guidelines as a result in the country in which you live and the country from which you access the site.

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    In no occasion will Fast Trading Investment be responsible for any harms, misfortunes, or liabilities including without impediment, immediate or backhanded, extraordinary accidental, weighty harms, misfortunes, or liabilities, regarding your utilization of this site or your dependence on or use or powerlessness to utilize the data, materials, items, and administrations on this site, or regarding any disappointment of execution, mistake, exclusion, interference, imperfection, delay in activity or transmission, PC virus ,or line or framework disappointment, regardless of whether Fast Trading Investment is instructed concerning the chance of such harms, misfortunes, or costs.

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